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Friday, September 17, 2010

Lady Gaga doesn't BS about DADT

  Say what you will about Lady Gaga, but she may count me among her 'little monsters'.

  Here in Canada, gay and bisexual people in the military isn't much of an issue anymore, or to the best of my knowledge, anyway.

  South of the border, it's a different story.

  As progressive as President Barack Obama is (at least in comparison to 'Dubya'), he's been mum on Don't Ask, Don't Tell- a law the US has had since 1993.

  To the uninitiated, the law boils down to this: if you're a non-heterosexual and you serve in any area of the American military, don't reveal your sexual orientation to anyone.  No American military body or other American governmental organization will ask you about your sexual orientation.  Your sexual orientation must not be mentioned either way.

  In practice, a lot of American military officials have been using shady tactics to find the sexual orientation of their subordinates.  And a number of American soldiers, including soldiers who have been decorated and rewarded, have been dismissed from service and employment when word of their gay or bisexual status has been revealed.

  Everyone has been talking about the 'meat dress' Lady Gaga wore recently at the MTV Video Music Awards, but fewer people have been talking about the four dismissed LGBT soldiers she arrived on the red carpet with, when she wore her first MVMA 2010 outfit.

  Lady Gaga's efforts to draw attention to the DADT issue go beyond that.  She has frequently spoken out against DADT, especially in the past few days.

  I believe repealing DADT will recently be voted on in the American senate.  Hopefully, DADT will be repealled, and replaced with a law that protects all LGBT people in the military from harassment, hate crime, and job loss.

  Check it out!

  Lady Gaga on DADT via Youtube

  Lady Gaga and DADT on the Soldier's Legal Defense Network

 Check me out!

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